Thursday, March 10, 2011
arini wat pertama kalinya aku ponteng gila kot coz smalam kn aku keja ptg pastu arini keja pagi plak..mmg aku btol2 x lrt nk bgn pg tado so alu wat keputusan x nak g keja arini..biar la..sehari je pon..tapi aku x bg tau mama pon..tkt kena marah..haha..sorry mom..i`m just so tired..tapi aku still gak bgn kol 5 pg td utk tmn aiza siap nk g keja..pastu aku smbung tido blk smpai kol gila kot..bgn2 terus masak..tgk2 ecah pon dh blk..lg la best msk sama2..hehe..pas msk terus mkn coz tahap kelaparan mmg melampau time sorry to aiza coz x dapat nak tunggu ang balik n mkn sesama coz suma tu leh wat zera mati napa aku x tido lagi?aku pon x tau napa sedangkan mata mmg dah berat gila..sekarang nga teman aiza mkn sambil on9..aiza baru je bgn tido..dia tido since kol 6 td..aku rasa kalu apartmen ni runtuh pon dia x kan sedar..haha..k la nk kacau aiza mkn kentang goreng..nmpk mcm cedap je..zera nk jugak..hehe..cau dulu..
Sunday, March 6, 2011

aku mmg seorang penchinta cadbury yg setia..tambah2 lagi cadbury crunchy...gila punya sedap...semenjak aku blaja ni hampir tiap2 hari aku bli coklat crunchy ni..tambah2 bila time posting..dah ni je yg sedap,senang n mengenyangkan..hahaha..
Cadbury, the global leader in the chocolate confectionery market, began in 1824 when a young Quaker named John Cadbury opened up a shop in Birmingham. John sold coffee, tea, drinking chocolate and cocoa at his shop. Believing that alcohol was a main cause of poverty, John hoped his products might serve as an alternative. He also sold hops and mustard. Like many Quakers John had high quality standards for all of his products.
At that time in England, Quakers were prohibited from attending university, since it was affiliated with the established church, and their pacifist beliefs kept them from joining the military. With few opportunities available, Quakers often went into business-related fields and/or devoted their time to missions of social reform.
By 1842 John was selling 11 kinds of cocoa and 16 kinds of drinking chocolate. Soon John’s brother Benjamin joined the company to form Cadbury Brothers of Birmingham. The Cadbury brothers opened an office in London and received a Royal Warrant (one of many) as manufacturers of chocolate and cocoa to Queen Victoria in 1854. Six years later the brothers dissolved their partnership because of John’s failing health and the death of his wife. They left the business to John's sons George and Richard. John devoted the rest of his life to social work and died in 1889.
Packing room at Cadbury's Bournville factory..
George and Richard continued to expand the product line, and by 1864, they were pulling a profit. Cadbury’s Cocoa Essence, which was advertised as "absolutely pure and therefore best," was an all-natural product made with pure cocoa butter and no starchy ingredients. Cocoa Essence was the beginning of chocolate as we know it today. The brothers soon moved their manufacturing operations to a larger facility four miles south of Birmingham. The factory and area became known as Bournville.
With Cadbury’s continued success in chocolate, George and Richard stopped selling tea in 1873. Master confectioner Frederic Kinchelman was appointed to share his recipe and production secrets with Cadbury workers. This resulted in Cadbury producing chocolate covered nougats, bonbons delices, pistache, caramels, avelines and more. Cadbury manufactured its first milk chocolate in 1897. Two years later the Bournville factory employed 2,600 people and Cadbury was incorporated as a limited company.
ni suma jenis2 coklat cadbury yg ada setakat tahun 2001...
1865 – Cadbury Cocoa Essence
1875 – Cadbury Easter Eggs
1897 – Cadbury Milk Chocolate
1905 – Cadbury Dairy Milk
1908 – Cadbury Bournville Chocolate
1915 – Cadbury Milk Tray
1920 – Cadbury Flake
1923 – Cadbury Crème Eggs
1929 – Cadbury Crunchie
1938 – Cadbury Roses
1948 – Cadbury Fudge
1968 – Cadbury Picnic
1960 – Cadbury Buttons
1970 – Cadbury Curly Wurly
1983 – Cadbury Wispa
1985 – Cadbury Boost
1987 – Cadbury Twirl
1992 – Cadbury Timeout
1996 – Cadbury Fuse
2001 – Cadbury Brunchbar, Dream & SnowFlake
Interesting Facts about Cadbury....
-Cadbury was the first company to include pictures instead of printed text on chocolate boxes.
-George Cadbury didn’t want to take mothers away from their children, so he developed a company rule that women had to leave work when they got married. Each married woman was given a bible and a carnation as wedding gifts.
-In 1886 Cadbury became one of the first firms to have dining rooms with kitchens and food for sale.
-A miniature metal animal (elephant, penguin, owl, fox, duck, squirrel, rabbit or turtle) was given away with specially designed cocoa tins in 1934. In the same year, Cadbury's tokens, which came with packs of cocoa, could be redeemed for lamps, kettles and saucepans.
-So many children joined Cadbury’s Cococub Club that it had 300,000 members in 1936.
-Cadbury’s World Visitor Center opened in 1990, welcoming 400,000 visitors in its first year.
-Cadbury launched a Get Active program in 2003, helping 10,000 teachers get in shape.
about my beloved crunchy..haha..
The Crunchie is a milk chocolate bar with a "honeycombed" sugar centre. It is made by Cadbury UK and was originally launched by J. S. Fry & Sons in 1929...
hahaha..terasa bodohnya tajuk post aku arini..haha..itu la yg menunjukkan aku sgt2 boring pada tahap gaban coz x tau nak wat pe lagi selain daripada makan..dah la aku tido kol 3 mlm tadi..kol 11 tadi baru aku bgn..bgn2 je tgk bebudak umah nga siapkan brg2 nak suruh aku masak..nasib baik aku bgn dulu sebelom dorang siram air..haha..itu la keja aku setiap hujung minggu..memasak untuk suma yg ada dlam umah ni..tapi keja aku masak je..kemas2 suma keja org lain..tu la bestnya jadi tukang masak..hahaha...pas siap masak masing2 makan ngan penuh berseleranya coz tahap kebuluran dah smpai tahap arini ayam masak merah n sayur campur goreng..cedap gila kot..hahaha...(trpuji masakan sendiri la plak)..pas makan ddk tgk tv..pastu tetiba rasa nk mengunyah something..aku pon bgn n g amek crunchy yg aku bli blk keja smlm..share ngan bebudak umah yg lain..gila cedapnya..hahaha..pastu rasa mcm nk mengunyah lg..aku pon bgn gi amek butter shortbread yg aku bli sekali ngan crunchy smlm..lagi la cedap butter shortbread tu..pas tu terus bkk lappy utk update blog..takut kalu ddk luar nanti aku rasa nk mengunyah lagi sedangkan perut aku dah rasa nk meletup dah..hahaha..itu la nafsu namanya..bukan lapa pon tapi still jugak nak makan..mcmana la x bertambah chubby..hahaha..k la..sampai cini dlu update kali ni..
Saturday, March 5, 2011
agaknya aku ni dah troverdose tido kot smpaikan aku dah x leh nk tido..dah la esok keja pagi tapi aku still lagi baru je pas makan roti n telur goreng ngan ecah..ecah pon x leh tido gak..dia nga gayut ngan bf dia..asyik gayut je je keja dia..dh serupa monyet dah aku tgk..hahaha..try kejut nashriq tapi x berjaya..hahaha..pnt sgt la tu..biar la dia..cian lak aku tgk...nite cyg..luv u so much k..arini x sempat nk borak ngan dia coz dia tdo awal dh tadi..huhu.tapi x pela esk dia keja separuh hari je..k la..nk out dulu..nk y pejamkan mata selena siang td..hehehe..hope brjaya la kali ni..
Friday, March 4, 2011

yg ini la ecah,budak umah aku tu..comel kan??hahaha..pic ni diamek time sime darby sport day...
today is my day off..really syok bila dapat bgn kol 11 pagi..x senonoh btol bila sorang girl bgn lewat2 mcm tu tapi peduli apa aku coz bagi bebudak nursing bukan senang dapat cuti n bersenang-senang mcm bila time day off kena la manfaatkan secukupnya..hahaha..dah la aku dah bgn lewat pastu ptg td aku leh smbg plak tido samapi kol 7..haha..siyez punya bls dendam aku ni..hahaha..tapi sekurangnya aku bgn la gak bsh baju n kemas2 dari x bgn langsung kan..haha..ok..sebelom trlupa aku nk wish happy birthday kat house aku,ecah..ramainya yg dah tua..haha..sorry guys just joking..bak kata my dad,"no joke no fun,no dot,dot,dot no son"..hahaha..k la..nk cau dulu coz nk g layan suria cinta jap lagi..hehe..
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
arghhhhhh..penat..penat...penat...baru je smpai umah..arini keja pagi..smpai je umah terus tukar baju n call mama..pastu tetiba rasa rajin sgt2 plak nk update blog..slalu tu gila punya mls..tmbh2 lg bila baru blk keja mcm ni..aku dengar minngu ni last week for RA but still ramai yg x dpt procedure lagi..ada tu plak dah ada procedure tapi tutor plak bz..tapi tadi lagi cian kat Ami n Nas coz dorang kena wat RA arini tp x de procedure..tetiba pagi tadi ada satu subcut..dorang pon booking la kat stuff nurse then bila tengah hari td tetiba bdk group B datang serbu ward kitaorg ngan tutor utk wat subcut tu sdgkan dah ada booking..x adil btol n aku cian sgt kat kwn2 aku..Alhamdulillah aku dh wat dah RA minggu lepas walaupon time tu aku baru je baik demam yg agak teruk jugak la..pas mc utk 2 hari aku kembali kerja balik pastu terus booking utk wat RA for the next day..thanks kat kwn2 yg byk bantu time aku cari procedure tu..tapi pada pendapat aku lebih baik wat RA ngan CI coz tutor x semestinya free time ada procedure..dh la nk kena booking 2hari sebelom wat RA..kalu kena patient dah balik or dah ada org lain wat mcmana..walaupon RA aku dah lepas tapi aku still lagi x rasa lega sepenuhnya coz cross still lagi x cukup..aku baru dapat 8 je..skarang aku cuma ada masa cuma lagi 1 minggu je...suma sekali ada 17..sekurang-kurangnya kena dpt 14..huhu..mana la aku nak cari procedure..dah la kat medical kurang procedure..kalu ada pon suma dah kena booking utk RA...tapi lagi cian kat bebudak kelas aku..ada jugak yg baru dapat 3 cross...kalu x cukup maknanya x leh duduk summative exam..that`s it..napa la sem 2 ni mcm2 masalah yg timbul?napa mcm2 dugaan yg dtg bertimpa2 plak tu?pastu mcm suma org dh x de semangat nak amek cross or study like sem 1..suma org mcm jadi selfish gila..x fikir psl org lain nice if selamanya situasi time sem 1 tu sama mcm situasi sekarang..act..ramai yg x suka bila group A & B combine but x leh nak wat pape coz suma ni kolej yg wat keputusan..bila dah combine suma sekali jadi 150 org..bayangkan berapa ramai tu..but really hope that someone can help us to solve all this problem coz we cannot stand want to run far away from this world..really hate to through this stupid problem..i hate all this..please God..send angel for save us...huhu..dah la masuk nursing kena paksa then happen benda2 mcm ni lagi la aku jadi stress gila2...dah la mls nk fikir dah..nak tido lagi bagus..bgn petang nant nak g makan tahu lontong kat bawah..emmm...cedapnya..yummy! (meleleh air liur...hehe)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

really love this pics..hehe..
this post specialy for my beloved friend...hahaha..first of all i want to wish happy birthday to my dear friend,ili..hahaha..dah tua dah la dear..dah 91 thn silap2..19 tahun..hope panjang umo n murah rezeki..and i also hope that our friendship will last forever ya!love u so much dear...sorry k dear coz this year x dpt celebrate birhtday ko sama2 mcm selalu n hadiah pon x de coz duit x brapa ramai..hehe..may your dream come through and may Allah bless you..blaja lek lok..hope satu hari nanti kita sama2 berjaya di dunia n akhirat...muahhhh...
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